A GREEN CAMPUS is a place where environmentally responsible practice and education go hand in hand and where environmentally responsible tenets are borne out by example. Our institution is a Green Campus institution which is a laboratory of self scrutiny, experimentation, and application. At its best, it is a model environmental community where academic programs and people are interlinked, providing educational and practical value to the institution, the region, and the world. It helps to preserve and enhance what you value as an institution today, as well as for the future.
On campus separate hostel facilities for boys and girls. Rooms are well ventilated with bed, table, chair, fan and almirahs. Internet Wi-Fi facility. Exclusive uninterrupted study room for students after college hours. Mineral water provided to all the rooms. Basic recreation and sport facilities. Provides hot water during winter session. Aqua guard RO system chilled water is provided for drinking purpose. The mess with large sitting capacity provides nutritious and delicious food at reasonable rate. Overall these hostels are as cozy as your home.